Monday, December 7, 2009

Books I have been reading lately

I just finished with Twilight. Picked it up, a couple of days back. Found it too sugary to my liking. I don't think I am going in for the rest of the series. People told me, its the next big thing after Harry Potter. I don't think so at all. It just goes to show, I am no longer a teenager, I suppose :)

2 states was what I read, before twilight. I won't be too surprised, if they make a movie out of this one too. Its got everything in it! A typical Chetan Bhagat novel. Easy on the language, lot of humour thrown in and the Indian feel. A one time read. I was too bored with it in the middle, and was waiting for it to finish.

The past month or so, I have mostly limited myself to light reading. Nothing too heavy, so I guess I shall get back to Feluda now. I still have a few of his adventures left.

Any of you guys, having some good books in mind, do let me know!

catch you soon.


Sameera said...

feluda is really awesome
unfortunately i havent been reading anything other than mother and baby magazine and femina lately so cant recommend anything!!!

would like to read twilight tho...chetan bhagat is very stereotypical but still ppl buy it cos he is cheap ;) i mean his books are :D

and then who wouldnt be curious to know what his marriage is like :D
ive seen that the punju tam combo is hot for some reason :)

Pallavi said...

lol @comment on chetan bhagat :P

Anonymous said...

Amazing as always