Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Winter has set in!

Today morning, I woke up to the smell of napthalene balls. My bedroom was filled with the lovely smell. Mom had taken out old woollen wear, to dry them out in the sun. Never realised, how much I loved this smell.

As a child, I would hate this season. Winter meant falling sick. It was either a perennial running nose or a wheezing cough, which would lead to the inevitable - several visits to the Doc. Even during my engineering days, I dont remember loving winter all that much. The weather at Ranchi(place where I did my engineering) was more like a hill station. It wouldn't snow, but it would get unbearably cold.

On the other hand, Summer meant fun. Summer was "Mangoes" for me. Lol!! My fav food (Yes! I still have a thing for the mangoes). Summer also meant going swimming, and splashing water aimlessly at kids in the pool, and jumping into the pool like mad people (hahhaha...). How can I forget the wonderfully loooonnnnnnggggg summer breaks! ( though as a kid I dint think they were that long)

Its been four years, since graduation and I have suddenly realised that I do not hate Winter all that much anymore. This time around I was actually looking forward to it. I think I have gradually fallen in love with the hot 'adharak wali chai' and the 'intoxicating winter-sleep'.

1 comment:

Sameera said...

chai and sleep...hold good for any weather :)

i love winter only cos of the blankets i can hide under!