Its been quite a while since I blogged. Things werent that great off late.What can I say,missed
being laid off by a whisker :(. Well things are looking up now, and I sincerely hope they get
better and better. So while all this was going on, I forced myself into a new team ( to save my
ass). thanks majorly to Sam :D
While most of my team mates are great, there are a few...who well I cant stop myself from
writing about. There is this Mr Bednath who happens to be my lead and Mr Bhanu da who is
"supposedly" my junior colleague. I shall begin with Mr Bednath.
Mr Bednath is seriously the epitome of lethargy. He is perpetually waiting on someone else to
proceed with the work. But sometimes I cant even blame it on lethargy ....because then its just
plain no-commonsense. Seriously read on...
(Conversation over the phone)
ME: Hello Mr Bednath!!(bd from now on)
BD:Good morning!! So is the connectivity problem with the client n/w resolved.(Btw BD sits at
client location)
Me: No actually. I talked to the n/w folks. They need the ip address of the particular client
website. Once they get that I should be able to access. Do you have any idea? Or maybe you
could ask the client (since you are there!!!) and let me know. ( yea I know, I shouldnt be talking
to my lead that way...but the guy can get really stuck up , as you will soon find out. So unless
you just tell him straight on, you could keep going in circles till eternity)
BD: oh!! actually this will be a long
process..hmmm....hmmm....hmmmm...........well......................hmmmmmmm .....achaa........hmmmm
Me:( waiting for him to stop "hmmm"ing!!)
BD: Hmmmmm.....................ok ...let me see...
( after half an hour BD calls up and I wonder if I actually underestimated his capabilities)
BD: Achaa so you need the ip address right( Do I??). Well I just found out the ip address of my
pc. I think that should do.
Me: ( Somehow managing not to faint) ....( and then not knowing what to say!!!)
BD: You there??
Me: eh yes! Mr Bednath, I dont think that will work.
BD: Why wont it work?!! See, I am able to access the client n/w.
Me: Well...but its not the same thing.The pc ip address and the client website ip address.
BD: Whats the difference?
Me: (Oh My God!!) well...ummm....
BD: Ip address is an ip address after all. How does it matter?
Me: ( Taking deep breaths)
BD: Just give them my ip address. I am sure it will work. See most of things these days have ip
addresses. It helps knowing them. But...what the hell, you can't go on finding ip addresses of all
the things around you. When will we start working if we go on finding ip addresses of things. Ip
address...bla bla...Ip address...bla bla......Ip address....bla bla..............................................
Me: (Still taking deep breaths)
Actually there was more of the Ip address crap, but I had to cut it short. I dont want you guys to
go through that nightmare really.
Now lets leave Mr Bednath with his ip address phobia and move on to Mr Bhanu da. But I really
need a break before I do that, so I guess Mr Bhanu da has to wait till my next post. I hope you
do too.
Cya soon.
What is with this this real or have you added masala...and if he is for real, I wonder what you are going through daily.
Looking forward to the story about the other guy. And BTW why was his IP not enough? You cannot get all the IPs can you.....hehehehehehe
ur last post was an year old!!
Funny write up and my sympathies for being with BD.
I think people like BD's are being cloned here in this organization.
You should be thankful, he didnt take IP as 'Implementation Proposal'.
may god bless u
my sympathies
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