Am back!!! :D................definitely sooner than what I had expected. Pink is all gone.....on public demand. You are right Sam, blue is more me. :)
Well google search still eludes me :(. I might have gone a little (mind you..just a lil bit) overboard in asking people to read my blog and most importantly comment ;) . We have an anonymous comment for my previous post reflecting my very thought (planning to delete that though :p).
As I write I can hear my boss having a very important discussion with one of my colleagues(well anything that your boss discusses by default becomes important....and it comes back to haunt you later...cause you were hardly listening!!)hmmm...keeps happening.. and one more thing mind you....whatever task you are working on right now,by default (YES!! yet again ) becomes top priority and every God damn person on earth is waiting on you to finish it.Makes you wonder if I you are so good or...well thats the reason in my case atleast(I have been an optimist all my life!!).
Seen kids totally in awe of Super-hereos. I tell you, we are almost there. You got doubts!! Oh come on!! My boss tells me.." You need to do this and this and this...and also that by today evening...all of them are top priority."and I do it!!(I got no choice...cause there is something called an appraisal.) Sadly for me there arent any kids here at office.But then come to think of it I wonder if I could convince them, that I am actually saving the world(ofcourse my manager means the world to me...what the hell where you thinking???) by just sitting in front of the computer and typing some crap.Parents, I thought would be an easier target,but then this is what my dad said to me after the super woman thingy which I was trying to throw at him..."What!! Dont you see your pay check every month??!!".
Things run smoothly as long as you have your own self to convince I tell you.
Dont blame me guys if this post appears a lil disconnected.Cant help it I kept having these important discussions with my boss while I was at it.Now I dont want things to keep coming back and haunting me nor do I want a long day at office(as if what I want matters anyway).So until next time this is pal a.k.a "super woman" signing off.....
up...up...and away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the superwoman seems not too happy :)
poor thingy you but i have only one policy: if you work well, you shall always be given more of it :)
so i guess i said what i wanted to about my quality of work :(
hehe yeah disconnected post definitely!
took me a while to figure out what ur trying to say in the second last para abt the pay check..
im getting way too dense or ur getting way too cryptic
either way keep blogging
and lol@the anonymous commentator!
He He.. see i always called u a super woman..KUZZY..ur the only super woman I ever knew and disconnected and disoriented ppl only blog :p
super heroes are also accused of being guilty of collateral damage.. better watch out for that!!
The qualms of the quintessential software engineer :) echoed these feelings a year ago :) the post reminds me of freddie mercury and his desire to break free !
Keep blogging pal.. atb!
Hey lately, I find my self not so interested in work. Partly….no no , it is because I realized that super humans are not respected as much as we think.
So quickly get out of it and wait for other super humans to rescue you. (From work that is)
And I tell you, concentrating on the blog is more important in life right now than anything else. So keep rambling and I promise things will work out much better.
Yes.. I was forced to read and comment too.. But on second thoughts, it was enjoyable. You write well!! Never knew you had this talent.. Good work.. And I subscribe to your views too about our work ... Keep blogging and keep forcing me to read and comment .. :) that i have missed my chance to make fun of the first one...even when the underlying tone of that honey coated PING!! was "watever u do ass***e, just post a comment !!!".... lemme try my skills on this one.
This one is definitely better than the last one...both in ambience n content :P ....believe me that pink reminded me of BIHAR n BALIYA combined.
Now the content of this one really shows the virtuous personality of the author...the acceptance of one's mistakes in the second paragraph is very well said :D
Abt the disconnectivity...i think i can give u a connection...Ur boss has a kid with similar hair...n i guess the vice versa might be true if we replace hair with don't worry...ur boss will consider u a SUPERWOMAN...n u'll get a FIMC again ;)
This went kinda will save some mud for the next one :D
Jokes apart...nice piece of literature ;)...abt contemporary office practices.
Keep helping the future historians !!
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