Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Days of the week.

I have always wondered, which day of the week goes best for me. Fridays, I believed were really great until a few months ago. I am sure a lot of people, mostly software folks will surely pick friday as their best day. The TGIF thing. People hardly work on fridays, I don't :p . But, when you get to the Govt. servants, its more likely, that they pick Sunday, or maybe Saturday. Actually come to think of it, some folks might actually say a monday or a tuesday. I mean not everyone detests week days or work days right??

I sometimes hate sundays, because the next day is monday!! ( talk about finding a reason to hate things!). Most definitely, I suffer from monday morning blues. Tuesdays for me, just go by, as if they don't even exist. I am so buried in work by then. Wednesdays are sort of okay. Sometimes they get really good. I believe I am at my creative best on Wednesdays. ( don't ask me why, I have no proof) Though my work doesn't need an iota of creativity.

Coming to Thursdays. I am always a little skeptical about them. They can go either way for me. I have had good and bad things happening to me on this day. Next day- Friday ! Not soooo happy with them anymore. More of a mixed bag.

Saturdays have been good off late. Get to eat good food and laze around a lot :). Nice. About Sundays, I think the mornings are best. In the evenings, the blues of the next day start taking over :p

So, all in all that is what I generally feel about the entire week. Today being a tuesday, I better get back to work :p


punarbashu said...

I found the post interesting and somewhat confessional. For me all the days look same because my laptop works all days and broadband too.Only when someone would seek an appointment on a particular day would I try hard to realise which day today is or tomorrow would be.I think I am in a more enviable position than you Pallavi. Am I right?

Pallavi said...

very enviable indeed! :)