Monday, December 14, 2009

I'm a part of IndiBloggers!!

 I registered this blog at IndiBloggers around a  week back. Finally got the approval mail today. I know it is no big deal really, but I was quite happy to receive the mail ( guess that goes to show how bored I am in life??). Well, my inbox these days is mostly about "try HDFC bank/ ICICI bank/ AXIS bank/BLAH BLAH bank credit cards" or "You can crack GMAT too!!" (sigh!) or " your friends want you on Facebook/WAYN/Orkut/Twitter" ( I can sense some eyes bulging out of their sockets....just get a hold people!! I haven't ostracized myself!) . So, now after this helpful insight, you would know what a relief it was to actually see a "non shift+del material" ...err....I mean the approval mail.

Moving on. For people, who are wondering what IndiBlogger is all about. Go and explore IndiBlogger.
For people, who want to know what inspired me to join it on....

1. I wanted to know, where my blog stands.

2. I like competition. Period. It does not bring out the best in me.

3. I was bored!

On a more serious note, I think a lot of blogs out there are great. So, I am really looking forward to expanding my network ( as the mail mentions :P) . Lets see how things go.


Zeon said...

Welcome to Indiblogger family Pallavi. I'm sure you'll find hell lot of competition and a great network of bloggers to know and share. Have a good time!

Pallavi said...

Thanks a lot Zeon! :D